Testimony/Recommendation for Zach Lynn and Jeremy Blum
By Cindy Shmerler     

When I first met Zach Lynn and Jeremy Blum, I found it hard to believe that they were just 14-year-old high school freshmen. They carried themselves, and their budding business, with the poise, confidence and maturity of far older men.
            I hired Zach and Jeremy to produce a photo/video montage for our daughter’s Bat Mitzvah in December of 2006. In meeting with Zach and Jeremy several months earlier, they asked many questions in order to gauge the type and scope of the project I had in mind. They listened carefully, took plenty of notes and made myriad suggestions as to how to make this eight-minute video even better. I kept asking myself, “Are these kids really just 14 years old?”
            Both Zach and Jeremy were keenly aware that they were producing something that would become an integral part of our daughter’s everlasting memory of that very special evening. They insisted on shooting additional footage of her playing soccer and tennis and took pains to make sure the photos were well coordinated, both chronologically and categorically. Their knowledge and command of computer animation and technology was staggering. And they were not only always accommodating—despite demanding school schedules and other work projects—but they were always polite and smiling as they worked. That went a long way with us.
            But the highlight of the project clearly was when Zach videotaped our then-nine-year-old son singing a song he had written to his sister for the occasion. Zach made our son feel completely at ease and the two had a ball as they not only filmed the song, but also then discussed at great length the intricacies of filmmaking. We all fell on the floor laughing as Zach videoed my husband and me trying to sing just one line of the song!
            Needless to say, the final project was so wonderful that as adults and children watched it, both laughter and tears filled the room. Even now, whenever my daughter needs a pick-me-up, we throw the DVD on the computer and our day is made that much brighter.
            Working with Zach and Jeremy was a true pleasure, every step of the way. I can’t recommend them highly enough and am absolutely certain that whatever path they travel down, in college and beyond, they will be enormously successful.

Kindest Regards,
Cindy Shmerler
Armonk, N.Y.